AutoScrollr is an app that allows you to turn on auto-scrolling inside any app. This means if you're reading an article, a website or just comments on Reddit, you don't have to keep manually scrolling up or down, AutoScrollr will automatically scroll for you!
You can turn on/off auto-scrolling, adjust the speed or change direction.
How to use:
1) Turn on the AutoScrollr service from the AutoScrollr app.
2) When you want to use auto-scrolling, open the notification area and tap on the AutoScrollr notification.
3) A floating icon will appear. Tap on the icon to expand the widget and press the Play button to start auto-scrolling!
Press the Pause icon to pause auto-scrolling, Fast Forward and Rewind icons to increase and decrease speed and the Reverse icons to change direction of auto-scrolling (down to up or up to down). Press the Close icon to collapse the widget.
AutoScrollr requires ROOT. This app will not work on unrooted devices at the moment. I am working on a way to make it work on unrooted devices, but in the meantime, only ROOTED devices are supported. Do not download this app if your device is NOT ROOTED.
Permissions used:
1) RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: To (optionally) start the AutoScrollr service on startup.
2) SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW: To display the AutoScrollr floating widget to control scrolling.